London Borough of Hounslow

We have good communications with our Borough Council (LBH) who have the legal care of the designated Conservation Area of Old Chiswick.This area of Old Chiswick which is within the Borough of Hounslow lies between the Thames and the A4, and stretches to St Mary's Convent opposite Chiswick House to the West and the boundary with the Riverside Conservation area of the London Borough of Hammersmith and Fulham just past Cedar House to the East. 

Map of LBH Conservation Area No.12 Old Chiswick

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In 2006 the LBH Chiswick Area Committee (Planning) agreed a 'Character Appraisal' of Old Chiswick which they use to guide decisions about the area. This can be found at

In particular, LBH take great note of the view of OCPS on Planning Applications in the Conservation Area. For more about the role of OCPS in this, see Planning Applications.