Hogarth roundabout clean-up

The Hogarth roundabout is one of the main gateways into London. We would want to be proud of the impression it gives, which is why for several years now we have sponsored projects like the wildflower triangle.

Dismayed at how much of an eyesore the roundabout has become, and months of trying to engage TfL and Hounslow Council in cleaning up fly-posting, litter and fly-tipping, the Society has been helping to remove posters . TfL have promised to take fly-posting seriously by pursuing and fining those doing it. 

On Cycle London day for instance, we picked litter from under the Hogarth roundabout flyover, as well as the Triangle and the Roundabout Island.We hope that Hounslow Highways will one day be able to support our efforts as promised.


Hogarth Roundabout


Our Green Spaces