Historic Walls Survey, Analysis and Conservation Advice

In 2021 it became apparent that there were more remnants of such boundary walls scattered across of the Conservation Area than the two parts along Netheravon Road South listed by Historic England. OCPS therefore contracted Peregrine Bryant, Conservation Architects, to search out (with the consent of householders) garden walls potentially pre-dating 1700 across as much of Old Chiswick as possible. Once identified by their specialist James Hall, he was asked to provide brief analysis of their condition and possible remedial action, and to offer guidance on the care and conservation of historic brick garden walls in general. For more details and a summary of his finds, see the digital version of the Spring 2022 OCPS Newsletter. A full report “Historic Walls Survey, Analysis and Conservation Advice” can be found here.


Bundling and Bank Stabilisation


Hogarth Roundabout